10 facts you did not know about Elon Musk

Elon Musk

American inventor and technical developer

Elon Musk (born June 28, 1971) is a Canadian businessman, an American citizen born in South Africa, an investor, [6] [7] engineer and inventor. Founder and CEO of SpaceX, and its chief designer, [9] co-founder of Tesla Motors Factories, its CEO and its product engineer. He also co-founded the famous cash trading company PayPal and Chairman of Solar City. Musk aspires to embody the idea of ​​a high-speed transmission system called hyperloop.
In December 2016, Forbes magazine named him as the 21st most influential man in the world. [10] By February 2018, his net worth had been estimated at approximately US $ 20.8 billion, making him the world's 53rd richest man.

Musk, born in Pretoria, was a self-taught computer student at the age of 12.He moved to Canada at the age of 17 to complete his education at Queen's University, but only two years later, where he moved to the University of Pennsylvania to earn a degree in economics. From Wharton School, a physics degree from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. In 1995, Musk began his Ph.D. in applied physics and materials science at Stanford University but did not continue writing the letter because he abandoned the idea two days later to focus on entrepreneurship.

10 facts you did not know about Elon Musk

Elon Musk is the right Iron Man. His innovations have made a name for themselves, such as the amazing companies he founded, such as spacex, Tesla motors, paypal, Zip2 and x.com.

He programmed his first game at the age of twelve, dubbed Blaster and sold it for $ 500

2. In 1995, Elon joined Stanford University in California for a Ph.D. in nuclear physics. But he left university two days later to run his company, Zip2 corporation.

3. He became a 28-year-old millionaire by selling his company Zip2 to a branch of Compaq’s AltaVista.

4. Space x was used as a filming location for the movie Iron Man 2, and even Elon Musk himself acted as a guest of honor in part of this film. Film director Jon Favreau stated that Elon was a revelation of the Iron Man character.

5. Elon Musk is addicted to his work and works for about 100 hours a week, where he has a very tight schedule running both Tesla motors and Space x.

6. In November 2013, Motor Trend Magazine named the Tesla Model S car of the year. Musk took the opportunity to make fun of former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who described Tesla as a failure during his war against him. “Romney was right in advertising, but not in its content,

7. He also says that his long-term goal is to help mankind through Space x by building human colonies on Mars because it is the perfect choice compared to other planets.

8. The 1944 Dassult Falcon, which was used in 2005 in the movie Thank you for smoking, is registered under the name Musk (N900SX).

9. Elon passed his college years by spending less than $ 1 a day on food. Called "compulsory experiment to avoid scurvy". His secret to avoiding the disease was to add a small amount of chili to the noodles.

10. Elon Musk owns James Bond. The car that was used in the Bond escape scene in the movie “The Spy Who Love Me” bought it when the car was auctioned, but he was “disappointed”, he said. I can make it real »

Space x

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