5 Things You Didn't Know About John Cena

5 Things You Didn't Know About John Cena

Here are 5 things you may not have known about the WWE "Hero"

John Cena, who has been wrestling since the end of the century, is among the most famous faces in sports entertainment and is only one of a handful to truly surpass WWE. From movies and television to charity, it seems everywhere. It is clear that wrestling fans are aware of his exploits in the ring, but what about his life before the lights, or outside?

Shocking Things You Don't Know About John Cena

John Cena is one of the most prominent WWE wrestlers in his history, and is the one who has won the Grand Prix equal to legend Rick Flair with 16 times.

John Cena was a hot topic for websites after being better than WWE star Nicky Bella last year.

Now John Cena is a part-time WWE wrestler, no longer appearing on the wrestling tracks as he was in the past.

Outside of WWE, John Cena would make his acting career and make TV shows, so he is rarely currently appearing in WWE shows.

John Cena has been at the forefront of major WWE performances for over 15 years, but John Cena tries to gain a special place in the world of acting outside WWE.

But there are 5 facts you may not know about John Cena so far:

He has a degree in Physiology of Exercise.

In an earlier interview with Mens Fitness, he revealed that he had a physiology degree from Springfield College in Massachusetts

2 - Provide a written apology to the son of wrestler Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens got into a feud with star John Cena in 2015, and it was known at the time that Kevin Owens's son Owen was a big fan of John Cena.

In 2016 Kevin Owens revealed in Chris Jericho's Talk is Jericho podcast that he was taking his son Owen to watch wrestling shows, and was very impressed with John Cena, and that once Owen wanted to get a chance to meet John Cena backstage, but the latter left quickly, What angered Owen.

When Owens told Cena about it years later, John Cena sent a two-page written apology to Owens's son explaining how sad he was to not shake Owen.

3 - participated in three encounters champion against champion and lost them all

For two decades, John Cena has been at the forefront of major events at WWE, and he has more than played against a champion against a champion but lost all of them.

The first was against Randy Orton at the 2013 TLC show

The second was against Kevin Owens at the Elimination Chamber show in 2015 and Owens' victory was a shock to the masses.

At the 2015 Summer Peace Show and in front of Seth Rawlins, who put the WWE title to the test, John Cena put the United States title to the test also lost.

4 - strongly afraid of spiders

You might not believe that John Cena, the big star, is afraid of a spider and already has a spider phobia.

This was evident in the 30th show of Russellemen during a showdown against Bray White, where a spider appeared on the ring, which greatly alarmed John Cena.

Along with CM Bank, he was fined for performing the piledriver movement again in 2013

There are some movements that are banned in the ring by the WWE, including the piledriver because Undertaker and Kane are the only two players who can do it.

But despite that, Cena and CM Bank decided to do piledriver movement during their confrontation in 2013, but they were heavily fined by WWE.

Cena was injured by the movement and WWE president Vince McMahon was furious at the scenes, Bank said in an earlier interview with ESPN.

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