10 tips for a good presence on Pinterest 2019

10 tips for a good presence on Pinterest

Pinterest has great potential in the DACH area, but you should also be careful to use this network safely and competently. Although Pinterest is currently preparing for big leaps in growth, it is still not self-perpetuating. The following five tips should be followed to make the Pinterest profile a success:

Verify website
After registering, Pinterest offers company profiles the ability to verify their own website via a code snippet. Did you do that, then a check mark appears next to the website in the profile header. Similar to the "Verified Pages" on Facebook, this primarily serves to build trust among users in the brand.

Spin exciting content and great pictures!
Actually, that should be clear: The content should fit the profile, otherwise you scare your fans. Here freelancers with graphic content have the advantage. The photographer can stop work samples, the designer can put up descriptive tips in the form of infographics or the artist can let his fans participate in the creative process of his pictures.

But other self-employed and entrepreneurs can use Pinterest. A marketing consultant can turn his Pinterest profile page into an exciting portfolio by visualizing his work. A translator can work with typography, a sound artist can put up short audio clips that a graphic artist illustrates so that they benefit from each other.

There are many ways to communicate about images and graphics. Even the linguist can get in here and show graphically how writing has developed. Because our today's letters used to be pictures.

Also other reps!
Do not always be so selfish. According to the 5: 3: 1 rule, most of your content should come from other sources. Here, of course, the copyright must be observed!
After the rule should be on average 5 posts from others, 3 posts to be your own content and a post may then be promotional.

For Pinterest, as with social media in general, it's all about sharing and sharing.

Similar to Twitter and Facebook, you can also tag interesting content with Pinterest and tag it with a hashtag. Good image tagging is especially important for image content, because where search engines can still recognize keywords in texts, images are just file names without much content.

One should not exaggerate the Taggen, but at Pinterest sometimes more than the Twitter recommended two hashtags are set.

Link sources
Not only polite, but important for your marketing is the correct linking. In the case of third-party content, you refer to the original source (for safety's sake, note that the content is not yours and you only share it for the sake of interest).

But if the pictures are from your online shop, for example, then the source link is vital, because if the potential customer is interested, they can immediately find the right website via the link.
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