10 interesting facts about Christmas trees

10 interesting facts about Christmas trees

The interesting history of the Christmas tree is probably an ornament for many who celebrate Christmas and open gifts with their loved ones every year, probably dating back at least 2,000 years.

"Christians were not the first to admire Christmas trees," said Demir Kas, a Christmas tree and decorator at UK-based Fantastic Gardens.

"The tradition began more than 2,000 years ago when pagans used to worship evergreen trees as a symbol of fertility," Kas told Reuters.

"The tradition began more than 2,000 years ago when pagans used to worship evergreen trees as a symbol of fertility," Kas told Reuters.

Between 1500 and 1600, people in Latvia and other Eastern European countries began to decorate Christmas trees, after which the Germans adopted this tradition, according to Kass.

"It was Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's husband, who brought the traditions to England in the 1840s," Cass said. "After the royal family was photographed with a decorated Christmas tree, the tradition spread between [General] and was later transferred to America."

With the long history of the Christmas tree, a number of wonderful facts come about this famous essential element of the holiday.

Here are 10 facts about Christmas trees.

Here are 10 facts about Christmas trees.

1. The Nordmann fir is considered a leader among Christmas trees.

Nordmann Fir has been a popular choice for Christmas trees in Europe for several years and is gaining momentum in the United States.

"It is a favorite among other greenery because of its excellent needle retention, soft needles and how perfect it is for people with allergies," Cass said.

The absence of the usual Christmas tree smell in the tree makes it ideal for those who can't afford the fragrance, according to HolidayTreeFarm.com.

2. Ninety-eight percent of all Christmas trees are planted on farms.

About 350 million Christmas trees are currently growing on Christmas tree plantations in the United States, according to the National Christmas Tree Association.

Only 2 percent of Christmas trees are cut from the wild, according to the University of Illinois.

3. Christmas trees can host thousands of insects.

When you bring a new Christmas tree home, you may be familiar with the length of a number of unwanted creatures.

"Christmas trees are home to many insects and microorganisms, so when you bring a house and make sure you get rid of it completely before you bring it inside," Cass said.

4. The United States has approximately 15,000 Christmas tree farms.

More than 100,000 people work in the Christmas tree-growing industry, according to the National Christmas Tree Association.

5. Decorate the Christmas trees with lights with Martin Luther.

Martin Luther, a 16th-century Protestant reformer, is credited with being the first to add lit candles to a tree.

While walking home one winter night, he was fascinated by the glittering stars among evergreen trees, according to History.com. He regained the scene at home for his family by erecting a tree in the main room and connecting the branches with lit candles.

"Luther suggested connecting candles to branches, which became common until the fairy lights were invented," Cass said.

Edward Johnson, Thomas Edison's assistant, came up with the idea of ​​electric lights for Christmas trees in 1882, according to the University of Illinois.

6. Artificial Christmas trees originated in Germany.

During the 19th century, artificial trees were developed in Germany and later popularized in the United States, according to the University of Illinois.

They were constructed using green dyed goose feathers and attached to the wire branches. These branches were then wrapped around a central wedge rod that served as a tree trunk.

7. There are eight pilot states producing Christmas trees.

Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia and North Carolina are the best Christmas tree producers in the United States.

8. The Christmas tree was hanging upside down.

The tradition of hanging a Christmas tree upside down from the ceiling is an ancient tradition that originated in Central and Eastern Europe, according to TheSpruce.com.

Upside down Christmas trees are common among many Slavic groups. "It's still somewhat confusing why and how this tradition began," Cass said.

9. Many people recycle real Christmas trees.

The United States has more than 4,000 Christmas tree recycling programs, and trees have been used to make sand and soil erosion barriers and place them in ponds to provide shelter for fish.

10. The Christmas tree can take up to 15 years to reach its usual height.

The typical height of a Christmas tree is about 6 or 7 feet, according to the National Christmas Tree Association.

It may take less than four years to reach this rise, but the average growth time is seven years.

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