Earn up to $300 per day | 10Ways to Make Money on Pinterest

10Ways to Make Money on Pinterest

Looking for ways to make money with Pinterest? Instead of looking at Pinterest as a simple network for sharing photos, consider it your own global bulletin board.

There are many ways to earn money with Pinterest and as the network continues to grow, your chances will grow.

Earn up to $300 per day 10 Ways to Make Money on Pinterest

Let's look at some effective ways you can earn money with Pinterest.


What are your passions? As long as people spend money in a work field that you love (and that is in just about every work field, from clothing for children to materials and training courses for punk people), you can earn money.

Let's say you're a fitness junkie. You like to be fit and stay fit. You choose a target group: women in their twenties who want to be fit and attractive, because you are probably also a woman in their twenties and you were already debating about it and looking up information about it.

It is your passion.

Create a Pinterest account and boards that appeal to this target group.

View followers on your boards and create a mailing list. Some enthusiastic users of Pinterest have a million followers and more. You don't need that many followers to sell to your audience, only a few of the right ones who see your material and distribute it to their followers.

If you don't know what to sell to your pinterest followers, you don't have to worry. As soon as you have a few thousand followers, marketers approach you automatically with offers.

That way you can get ideas to promote or enter into collaborations with others and promote them.


You do not have to be an internet marketing expert. You don't even need a blog to get started with this method. You can start today with absolutely no costs to get started.

I am also a fan of affiliate marketing. You can create content that really helps people, with their choice of certain products or with solving a problem they are having. This is a perfect way to make money with your blog.

But there is also a way to do it on Pinterest without even needing a blog directly from your Pins.

Although I recommend using Pinterest to build a blog, even if it is an affiliate blog by sending traffic to it from Pinterest to get not only a sales opportunity but also their email address for your mailing list, applying of affiliate marketing on Pinterest is a golden opportunity, especially for beginners.

You can make your first sale on day 1 and that is what makes this method so attractive.

Affiliate marketing is when you recommend someone else's products or services to your readers or followers. You get a special link from the advertiser so that they can see that you have referred the customer, and when that person buys something, you receive a commission, a percentage of the turnover.

This is how it works:

For the uninitiated, Pinterest is a giant virtual bulletin board. Users search for ideas and "pin" images that they would like to come back to later.

Each "pin" is an image with a link. People can click on the image to visit the site where it comes from.

We can convert these clicks into money with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing ’is simply when you promote an article online and receive a commission for every sale. You promote the product with your own special tracking link, which is called an affiliate link.

When someone clicks on your link and buys a product, the seller can see that you have sent them and you get a share of the sale!

There are many ways to promote your affiliate links and win online sales. The most common is blogging. You can also share your links on social media or in emails to your followers (always pay attention to the advertiser's terms and conditions).

Earn up to $300 per day

You have a Pinterest profile, or further down I also have a step-by-step explanation to get started with your business profile. Now you still have to find great products for pin payments. Products from companies that will pay you when you help them sell!

There are many different companies that pay commission to affiliated companies. Almost every major retailer that you can think of has its own affiliate program.

You can also find partner programs for individual products, such as e-books and online courses. This is usually on the last page / module of the book or course, plus there are networks where you can look for affiliate fees like Tradetracker, Daisycon and Awin.

Some networks or individual advertisers require a minimum number of followers per social network to be able to post directly to it. Otherwise you can always work via your own blog or wait until you have more followers. Also always read the conditions of each provider carefully.

There you go! This article only covers the basics of affiliate marketing on Pinterest, but I hope it is enough to get you started. This is really such a cheap one.
My account on Pinterest

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