How Can You Make Money With Pinterest 2019

How Can You Make Money With Pinterest 2019

When you think about making money with the internet, you probably don't immediately think of Pinterest. Yet the power of Pinterest, as the fastest growing website ever, is underestimated. I explain how you can use the social network to make money.

pinterest 2019

Pinterest acts as a bulletin board. You can pin images, videos and articles that you find on the internet (hang on an online pin board) to eventually create a mood board with a nice collection of images and articles. You can add a description to each pin. These mood boards are public and can be shared and followed by other users. You can also "image" images or articles from other users. Then you place someone else's pin on your own mood board.

If you are not familiar with Pinterest, you must have seen this logo in an image, video or article. If you have a Pinterest account and click on this P, you pin it on your pin board.

Why do you want to earn money with Pinterest 2019

Pinterest is a platform where a lot of inspiration is gained.

From the decor in your house to the dressing of your chihuahua. And from the nicest summer dresses to the best ways to make a lampshade yourself. You can't think of it that crazy.

Do you have a passion and do you want to share it with others? Then Pinterest is a great option to inspire people.

Do you have your own company, webshop or blog? Then Pinterest is a great option to get people to your website.

Own business blog or not, with both options you can earn money on Pinterest.

Consider in advance whether Pinterest is the right platform for you.

If you are an accountant then you can post very nice pictures and articles about figures, but keep in mind that this is generally less popular than a mood board about the latest fashion trends.

Ask yourself if it is worth it for your company or for your passion to be active on Pinterest. Just like on any other social media channel, it is important that you regularly post content to keep your followers happy and to gain more awareness. This takes time.

Before you get all the trimmings out of the closet, do a keyword search on Pinterest to see if there is any question about your interests, passion or work. This is simple: type your topic in the Pinterest search bar and see how many mood boards exist about your topic and how many followers these boards have. This way you can quickly see if you want to invest your valuable time in Pinterest.

Promote paid companies on Pinterest
Have you created a Pinterest mood board on a popular topic and have you already collected many pins and followers? Doing well!

make money with pinterest 2019

From a few thousand followers you become attractive for marketers. So it may just be that marketers will approach you yourself to promote certain products.

Example: you have a Pinterest account with mood boards about fitness, getting fit and healthy eating. If you have a few thousand followers, you will become attractive for marketers working in the sports sector. For example, you may be asked to promote a certain sports drink for a fee through your Pinterest account.

But you can also make contact with companies that may be interested in a collaboration. Only ask companies that really fit your plate. And make sure you have a few 1000 loyal followers. For example, you can approach a company with fitness products. With the statistics in Pinterest you can show how many followers you have and that this loyal following willingly clicks on your links. This is interesting for companies. You can promote certain products in exchange for a fee.

Make money with affiliate marketing on Pinterest 2019

Making money with affiliate marketing is another option. This means that through affiliate links you ask your followers to buy a certain product or service.

By registering on affiliate networks (Tradetracker for example) you can see which affiliate links of companies you can use. You place this link in your pin so that when someone clicks on it, this person will be redirected to the page of the relevant company.

An affiliate link can generate money if it is clicked on, if a sale comes out of it or if there is a lead. By lead, for example, I mean that the follower leaves his email address.

Bear in mind that you only want to use affiliate links from companies that also fit your plate. Do not promote sports shoes if you have a sign about gardening. You don't want to lose followers. The more followers you have, the more people will see your pins and can click on your affiliate link.

Do not place an affiliate link with every pin you place.

“Don't become an affiliate spammer, Pinterest doesn't like that. And your followers don't like that either. So don't do that! ”

You can also inform your followers that you have placed an affiliation link in a pin. Pinterest likes this and your followers like that. Transparency inspires confidence and followers want to remain your followers.

Whether you own your own business or want to inspire people with your passion, in both cases you can earn a nice little extra through Pinterest. First determine whether Pinterest is the right medium for you because of its high visual content. Just like with any other social media platform, it takes time to create a loyal following, but in the end this can lead to money in the draw.
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  1. The only reason my Pinterest profile looks amazing is PinPinterest [com].PinPinterest offers its sophisticated artificial algorithm to pick relevant content for your account. It makes sure that only images and posts that are relevant to your business are pinned to your account. It makes your account eye catchy and well maintained.
