9 rich people stopped school and went to realize their dreams

Billionaires who have made themselves into technology and who have fallen out of college
They are some of the richest people and their success on this planet. Among them, their personal wealth is greater than the domestic wealth of many countries. What do these men share?

Well, they had a desire and a passion for success, ready to face the odds and challenge the safe choice of studying and getting a job. They left college and chose to be entrepreneurs. They may have dropped out, but they made sure they did the bank, and they founded the big companies that we all know and use

Bill Gates - Microsoft founder

Financial wealth: $ 80.5 billion

University: Harvard University

Gates began his studies at Harvard in 1973 but left the university almost two years ago. During his school days, he told teachers he would become a millionaire until age 30. As usual, Bill beat his target and became a 31-year-old billionaire

Michael Dell - Founder of Dell
Financial wealth: $ 21.9 billion

University: University of Texas

Was Michael Dell a good person to study at university? When he was eight years old he applied for high school graduation exams. Although his parents asked Michael to continue his schooling, Dell did not agree with his parents' decision. At the age of 14, he realized that he would become an expert in computer repair. Michael had a college life experience during his college days at the University of Texas. Michael's parents hoped he would choose a doctor's career, but he founded a $ 25,000 computer technology company. We hope that parents were not disappointed by their son's choice 
of profession

L His Elizabeth Holmes - Theranos Foundation

Financial wealth: $ 4.5 billion

University: Stenford University

Elizabeth Holmes was interested in the chemical technology that devoted her life to her, got her first patent in the field and then went to Singapore to start working on the drug against the SARS virus. But before the start of the second grade of her studies she left university and realized her dream as she became a leader in the field of personal medicine. Today, she is rethinking the US health system from the state level, where Elizabeth's revolutionary technology allows a single blood spot

 Gilles Dorsey - co-founder of Twitter
Financial wealth: $ 2.3 billion
University: University of Missouri and New York University

Dorsey did not study for a long time in Missouri, where he moved to New York and continued his university life there. He has been interested in computer and programming since the last few years in school in St. Louis but left his studies and did not get a degree. He moved to Auckland, where he met Biz Staun and Evan Williams, where Staun was director of Odeo for Dorsey and Williams, and then began working with them on the Obvious project, which was based on the idea of ​​sending messages with up to 140 characters. Yes, Obvious was the first version of Twitter

 Mark Zuckerberg - Founder of Facebook

Financial wealth: $ 33.3 billion

University: Harvard University

It is good that Mark did an experiment in studying and getting a higher education degree. If he hadn't studied at Harvard, he wouldn't have known Eduardo Saverine, Andrew Mccullum, Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes, who helped Mark launch the first Facebook social network version right from his dorm room

Steve Jobs - Apple founder
Financial wealth: $ 11 billion

University: Reed College

There is no doubt that the founding father of Apple is one of the most famous billionaires in the world who did not graduate from university. But Steve did not spend his time in college without interest. He was saying that he wanted to create an interface on his computer in the same beautiful shape as the posters on campus

.Evan Williams - co-founder of Twitter

Financial wealth: $ 2.4 billion

University: University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Like Jake Dorsey, Williams left college before graduating; he was dismissed from university only a year and a half after joining the university. The Odeo project was one of the most successful projects and a source of expertise for these two failed students but thanks to Twitter they became billionaires. Williams works to this day on Twitter, but he devotes all his time to developing a website called Medium, which is the forum site

Larry Ellison - Founder of Oracle

Financial wealth: $ 46 billion

University: Illinois University and University of Chicago

Ellison left school at Illinois University in the second year and did not try to pass his exams after his mother died of breastfeeding. He tried to continue studying at the University of Chicago but left everything and moved to California. This was a valid decision as he founded a company with two partners that was renamed in 1982 to Oracle Systems Corporation

Yan Com - Founder of WhatsApp

Financial wealth: $ 6.8 billion

University: California State University in San Jose

Mr. Com has achieved an American dream. After immigrating to the United States at the age of 16 with his mother, he attended a university in San Jose College of Mathematics and Computer Science. But thanks to his work as a security systems examiner he was able to get a job at Yahoo where he left his studies and worked at Yahoo in 9 years and then founded WhatsApp

Important evacuation

This article does not encourage you to stop school
Telling you that I am pursuing your dream is important had consequences or challenges

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