Cricket star Ben Stokes condemns a "totally disgusting" report about a family tragedy

Angry Ben Stokes criticizes the "immoral and heartless" report in the family's private life

Cricket star Ben Stokes condemns a "totally disgusting" report about a family tragedy

Ben Stokes issued a statement on a newspaper report on his family's private life dating back more than three decades.

The player said publishing "very painful, sensitive and personal details" about his family would have "serious life-long consequences" for his loved ones.

In a statement on Twitter, Stokes criticized The Sun, which ran the story on its front page on Tuesday, accusing it of focusing on "chasing sales" regardless of the emotional impact on his family.

The Sun, which said it was "very sympathetic to Ben Stokes and his mother," responded that she had contacted Stokes before printing the article and "at what stage did he or his representatives ask us not to publish the story"

Angry Ben Stokes criticizes the "immoral and heartless" report in the family's private life

In his Twitter article, which gathered thousands of Twitter, impressed and supported many comments, Stokes wrote: "Today, the sun saw it as an occasion to publish extremely painful, sensitive and personal details regarding events in my family's private life, returning over 31 years

“It is hard to find words that adequately describe such low-reprehensible behavior, disguised as journalism. I cannot imagine something immoral, heartless or entitled to my family's feelings and circumstances.

"For more than three decades, my family has worked hard to deal with the trauma inevitably associated with these events and to exercise extreme caution to preserve the privacy of what was a deeply personal and traumatic event."

He said a reporter had come to his parents' home in New Zealand "blue" to ask them about the tragedy

Two other mother's children from a previous relationship were allegedly killed by their father, who then committed suicide, before the birth of the cricketer.

In a lengthy statement on Twitter, Stokes cited "low and reprehensible" behavior and described the article as "immoral, heartless and crowded"

He wrote: "The sun today felt it was appropriate to publish painful, sensitive and very personal details about events in my family's private life, dating back more than 31 years.

"It is hard to find words that adequately describe such low-reprehensible behavior, disguised as journalism. I cannot imagine something immoral, heartless or entitled to my family's feelings and circumstances.

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