Nikola Tesla was not an ordinary man, and these are ten facts you didn't know about him

Nikola Tesla was not an ordinary man, and these are ten facts you didn't know about him

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, an American of Serbian origin, an inventor and a physicist as well as an engineer and creator of engineering, and is particularly famous for his contributions to the design of the AC system.

He died in 1943 at the age of 87, but he was not famous at the time, his inventions and discoveries were not only known until recently Tesla back with people to talk and write novels and depicting many documentaries that simulate his life and reveal his inventions.

In 1960, the International Conference on Weights and Measures called Tesla the International Magnetic Field Density Unit in its honor.

Here are ten interesting facts you may not know about Nikola Tesla:

1. Tesla was a staunch supporter of renewable energy
Worried about people's consumption of the earth's resources, he was said to be looking for ways to create renewable energy in the earth and the sky to reduce the impact on natural resources, and his passion for nature might have prompted him to invent artificial lightning in his lab.

2. It is a coincidence that Tesla is born during a violent thunderstorm
What prompted the midwife to tell his mother that his birth is a bad omen and that her son will be (child of darkness), but his mother responded to this insult by saying, "even her child will be a child of light."

3. Tesla was very human
Tesla had a keen desire to improve the lifestyle of those around him but without any quest for material gain, despite his many inventions and scientific contributions he died poor

4. Tesla predicted the wireless network in 1901
Tesla had an amazing imagination, he envisioned a system that could gather information and transmit it to another handheld device, as the wireless network and mobile phones we now have, and also dreamed a lot, but he did not invent everything he dreamed of, as predicted by X-rays, radar and other inventions. .

5. He possessed a strong memory
Tesla was able to invoke the viewer, that is, he could remember the finer details about a book he had read, and he was said to have lightened his nightmares when he was young by his powerful imagination.

6. The Government of the United States retained many of Tesla's property
When Tesla died, Allen's office (an office created during World War I to take over enemy property) seized his property, then most of it was returned to his family, few of which were donated to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade.It is also strange that the US government still kept his documents Personal to now.

7. Tesla and Edison were not enemies
It is wonderful to imagine two geniuses like them constantly competing, especially if friendliness is an ally of this competition. In fact, they collaborated on the design of the DC generator before Tesla stopped fulfilling his dream in this field.

8. Tesla was suffering from insomnia and compulsive behavior
Tesla slept for only two hours a day, and what was not clear was whether he did it voluntarily or could not sleep more.

Tesla also hated jewelry and hated touching hair, and was so obsessed with number 3 that he cleaned his room before eating his evening meal using 18 handkerchiefs (18 numbers divisible by 3).

9. Tesla was a friend of the famous writer Mark Twain
Friends of Tuen had challenged him at the speed of digestion during one of their meetings and Tesla was present.

Tesla invented the oscillator in his quest to generate more efficient electricity. An earthquake machine shook his home and Manhattan neighborhood during his experiments.

10. You can get free wi-fi from Tesla
A collective campaign to create a seven-foot Tesla statue was launched in Palo Alto, California, in May 2013, donations amounted to $ 127,000 from 722 donors, the statue was erected in December of the same year, and the statue was built with a time capsule and free touch points for anyone

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