What is the zero number being discovered and its importance.!

A story about the number zero

an introduction
The story of the discovery of zero is a story impressed by the numbers how how a number worthless in itself to have this great value if he joined another number, and the discovery of zero by one of the most important effects of Islamic civilization, which the West was interested in developing and benefit from it until we have produced modern inventions not limited to science The Earth, but transcended to space science, which was based mainly on the science of mathematics and algebra, which was created by our Muslim scientists and will summarize in our search for the story of the discovery of zero in all ancient civilizations and the most important characteristics of the number zero and the role of the Muslim world Khwarizmi in his discoveries.

Do you know what zero has added to the evolution of arithmetic and mathematics? The invention of zero dates back thousands of years, but at first it was not used as a symbol of a number, but it was first used as a distinction between numbers such as 123, 1203, 1230, 1023., and you might think at first glance that A zero that expresses no value is also worthless and this is a big mistake

Do you know how much is equal to zero?

Zero is the first and most simplistic and most famous and surprising and used and the importance and magnificence of zero, a symbol that refers to nothing and expressed by using the sign (.), Can you imagine how much humanity suffered before its discovery?

Zero in India

At the beginning of the fifth century BC. The Indians began to use a circle or a dot as a symbol of zero, after which they left the dot drawing and confined themselves to the circle. They called it "Sonia" - and sometimes called it "Kha" (hole), but they did not draw it. The Indian word for "zero" was "Sonia" meaning "empty or empty." The word was translated and represented phonetically in Arabic So that became "zero."

Zero in Babylon

Scientists believe that the Babylonians were the first to invoke zero, but it was not a numerical value per se, the oldest zero in history. This invention took place in the third century BC. .

Zero in China

In the 5th century BC the Chinese discovered a zero similar to the Babylonian zero. Three centuries later, the Chinese invented a zero with numerical value.

Zero in Egypt

In Egypt, no hieroglyphic letter corresponds to zero, and there is nothing to suggest in ancient Egyptian civilization.

Zero in Mexico

The Mexican Mayan tribes are among the most developed American civilizations of the time. These tribes discovered what is zero and how to use it 2000 years before the knowledge of European civilization

Who is the first invented zero?

The first to invoke zero is the great Arab mathematician Mohammed bin Musa al-Khwarizmi Mohammed bin Musa al-Khwarizmi grew up his family moved from the city of Khwarizm in Khorasan to Baghdad in Iraq, al-Khwarizmi completed most of his research between 813 and 833 in the House of Wisdom founded by the Caliph al-Mu'min. He published his works in Arabic, which was the language of science at the time
The Khwarizmi (780 - 850) m. One of the most prominent Arab and world scientists in mathematics, it is said that he created the zero and made it an important number in the calculations. The Arabs used the point to point to zero, and showed his role in the calculations, and its importance in determining the ranks of tens, hundreds and thousands

Zero in Europe

In Italy Leonardo de Pez took <1170-> m. The Arabs described the way of writing numbers from right to left, and took them zero and wrote it in Latin Cephir. Then the name changed to (Zephiro), and became the pronunciation and pronunciation to (Zero) starting in 1491 AD. . In France, pronunciation changed from Cifre to Chifre and then to Chiffre. In Germany, it switched from Ziffer or Ziffra, and today it uses Die null. In England, it used the word Cipher, which was later replaced by the word Zero. In Portugal, the word Cifra means zero, meaning Zero. In Spain, Cifra carries the meaning of "Chiffre", as the word "Cero" means zero (Zero), and so Europe ended up using the Roman system, thanks to God and then thanks to Muslim mathematicians such as Al-Khwarizmi and Jabir Ibn Hayyan. Zero became the distinction of monotheism from tens and hundreds, and emerged independence, although some thought that zero does not affect those other numbers.

How much is zero?

Zero has characteristics that make it unique from other numbers.

So what are those characteristics of zero?
Zero has a set of basic mathematical properties which are intuitive facts:
Adding zero with any number does not affect this value x + 0 = x.
Deleting zero from any number does not affect this value x - 0 = x.
Multiplying zero by any number is zero x 0 = 0
Divide by zero any number other than zero itself by (0) the result is undefined.

Zero is not negative or positive

Zero is the only number that is not classified as positive or negative, so zero is the optimal number to determine the starting point or origin of each coordinate or thermometer

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