CPAGrip How to make money from CPAGrip Tricks Revealed 2019

CPAGrip How to make money from CPAGrip Tricks Revealed 2019 

Methods  Earn Daily 10$ to 30$ CPAGrip - Publisher Make Money Online

my channel as I can see you are looking
to make money online advertising and I'm
about to show you exactly how I've done

zero100 I would like to welcome you to

a few years and probably the easiest way
period to make money online advertising
this is you basically what you'll be
doing is you'll be advertising cpa
offers on facebook and you'll be doing
this very effectively so if you haven't
subscribed to my channel yet and you

think that you really want to make money
online advertising and you know for a
fact you want to make money online
advertising go ahead and subscribe to my
channel go ahead and hit the Lebel icon

below and i'll definitely make sure that
that happens for you so basically what
we are doing right now is we're going to
join a CPA network the CPA network and
basically CPA marketing is Kostis stands
for cost per action basically what this
is is lead generations we get paid if
for every lead we generate for a

specific company so basically we're
advertising offers for different
companies and we're getting paid for
that you can get paid anywhere from 50

cents all the way up to $20 it just
depends on what country you're in and
what kind of offer you are advertising
so basically what we're gonna do is
we're gonna go to a site called og ads

that is og CPAGrip - Publisher ou can see the

CPAGrip - Publisher
website is right up here and you're
gonna sign up to become a publisher it's
pretty easy to get a set that you just
click sign up and you enter in your
personal details and you go through your
dress let me go ahead and just go
through it with you okay
just make up some stuff real quick
we go to next brandon Belcher just

putting any kind of details right here

just show you guys how to do it squad

little a lot of you guys are probably
newbies and you really don't understand
a lot of this stuff but basically all
you're doing is any of your personal

details and you're letting just you want

to tell the CPA company how you how you
plan on promoting their offers so in
detail they want to know how you on

doing you you basically say Facebook

wall and facebook fanpages I also do
Facebook advertising paid you can put
paid advertising okay basically please

it says please list your Karen content
locking website you on you can just put

any website right here you can go to
 and find a website or you can just put you know a lot of

people promote offers on YouTube um if you have any social accounts you list

them here if you have a Skype you listed here you click Next
after that you'll be finished and once

you are finished you'll be able to go to
a GS calm and login if it's a little
lud is just because I'm at the park and
there's a soccer mister soccer practice
right behind me so bear with me here

cool I'm not a probably a little loud a
loud as hell actually okay what I'm
doing right now is I'm going to log into
this og ads account and I want to do og
ads because it's a great company you

know I have a lot of people that I work
with don't work with OG ads but I've
never personally really worked with it
myself if you scroll down here I've only
made like two dollars with them because

you know I work mainly with CPA grip and
CPA lead and at work media but those
companies are a little bit hard to get
accepted into so I want I want you to

get in septic pretty quick so og ads is

the company that that you want us you
know start off with because they're easy
to get accepted to

so basically after you get accepted to
OG ads you log into your counter look

just like this on the side here you want

to go ahead and set up your payment part

so you click on payments and you should

and you'll be able to fill out all your
details right here so of course you click on payment method you say I'll click on edit right here

and you can edit the payment method
right here do you text of the address
you know this is stuff you most likely
already understand so I don't got a go

throw it at and after you submit that
information make sure you submit your

tax info like your social or your EIN

number if you have your own LLC or a
business license so you want to submit
that info because without that info
submitted you won't be able to get paid

period so after that you go to landing
page request and right here you want to
start requesting landing pages whatever

landing page and a landing page is the
offer itself so you'll see exactly how
each offer look and what kind you like
and you know what kind of you would want
to request so basically if I click here

it gives me different

it gives me different options different
offers from here it's a pokeymon offer
this uh clash Royale offer like if these
are games these it's a what's at offer I
don't know if you've heard of whatsapp

or not there's iPhone all first there's
galas let's see the galaxy galaxy let's
say the Galaxy s8 offer that's right
there but what I'm about to do is
whatever you request that they'll

they'll most likely approve you less
than 24 hours usually sometimes it's you
know a few minutes but here go some
offers that I'm all ready to prove for

let's click on one of them let's click
on that Air Jordan offer as meaning you
already know Michael Jordan shoes are
probably the most popular in the country
the most popular in the country when it

comes to me in one shoes its Nike a
Michael Jordan and you know it's just
crazy like a lot of people want some
Jordans they line up at 3:00 4:00 in the

morning when the New Jordans come out so why would it not promote and also like
this you know this is this is easy to

advertise because so many people

Jordan shoes so basically what you would

do is you will copy this link right here
this this will be your link so I will

copy this link basically when you copy

that linking saw the promote all the

person got to do is go here click on a

pair of shoes that they want click on
their size click claim giveaway entering

their details internal details click
Next I'm just putting anything right
here of course after they click Next
what the person would do is click verify
and all you got to do is verify one of
these all come complete one of these

offers whenever they complete an offer
you get paid every single time so what I
like to do is I like to head over to
Facebook so basically what we are doing
right now we are accessing we are access

to Facebook groups so I'll click on
groups and of course I'll start to join
some groups so you want to join some
groups that got to do with shoes so I'll
type in Jordan Jordan shoes so let's

just type in Jordan shoes click on

groups and I'll start joining check this
out I'll start Jordan joining Jordan shoe
groups it don't matter if they're small
or not because people will click on your
stuff look at this

all types of people look at this see I
haven't joined the groups from this
account because you know I've never
really done this offer before but it's a
no-brainer everybody love Jordan shoes

so what I'll do is I'll start joining

them groups after I joined those groups
that's when I go over to Google
and I'll just find a pair of Jordan

shoes you don't want it to have a white

background you wanted to actually look
real so good thing to do is find them
like this this is perfect sitting on
somebody's furniture and you will save
image s save to desktop and bam there

you go there you go so what we do is we
head back over to Facebook and we'll go
to the group's let's see the trade and
sale groups so let's say we're gonna
post it in this group we haven't been

accepted from no jordan groups yet so
let's act like this is a jordan group
what you do is you upload the photo and
you just write a short description in
photo how so basically I said I received

these bad boys for free that's right up
hey nothing I paid $0 comment info to
know how it done is what you would do is

what you would get is you will get a
bunch of people and I mean a whole bunch
of people you might have four or five
hundred comments within your group
comment and info on how you've done this
so basically what you would do is you

will let that build up and build up and
build up and build up after that builds
up what you do is you will go back and
edit the post so you'll click on your

post within a group and you go back and
edit it and you will put this URL and I
like to even put arrows beside of it so
you put the URL and then you what you'll
save so of course you already knew

over in on Facebook work after you post
something you just click the low low
drop-down arrow and just click Edit and
you'll be able to edit the post so after
you edit a post you include your Jordan

if you're doing in Jordan off you
include your Jordan URL and then once
people click on that and complete the
offer BAM you get paid every single time
so this is in my opinion cpa marketing

it's the easiest way to get paid online
for advertising for other people and
other companies it's by far the easiest
way period besides like google adsense

the CPA many people will argue including
myself that it's probably one of the top
ways and easiest ways to start banking
online and this is only one way on my

channel I will be releasing so many
other ways to make some see
Bank so you could just complete the
steps that I just told you in order to

start banking with CPA marketing and

advertising online Facebook groups it's
the number one way to do this for free
you don't have to spend any kind of

money at all you didn't have to spend
any kind of money joining the CPA
Network and you don't have to spend any
money posting so what I do is I'll just

copy and paste this right here and the
photo and start posting into multiple
groups and that's it you'll start
getting people click on your link

complete your offer and you just start
seeing money pop up in your count that's
the easiest way to start making money
online and with CPA for free period if

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