How to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your 13k Blog 2019

How to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your 13k Blog 2019

Traffic to Over 13000 Daily Visits

taking blogger. herewe're gonna be talking about tailwind tribes and how you can use them to drive three Pinterest traffic now what's really really cool about tailwind is that it's an approved partner with Pinterest so you know that when you use it you'll have no issues I just want to say that the action taking tribe is growing.
every day I would love for you to be a part
of the action taking tribe.

information I've learned over the years out to help others take action and achieve what they want to achieve with their business with their site hustle whatever it is so if you want to gain awesome information you get notified of and leave a comment. below and I would love to hear from you I'll definitely respond to you so that's it for now

tribes to drive free Pinterest traffic
okay so as I mentioned we're gonna be talking about tailwind how you can use it to drive free Pinschers traffic now that the website tailwind is actually a tailwind app calm and you can come to it and you could sign up it actually has functionality for both Pinterest and. Instagram now we're going to be talking

How To Get Traffic From Pinterest 2019

about Pinterest specifically. but what's really cool is if you come down their sales page you will see that they are actually a Pinterest marketing developer partner and they're also an Instagram partner so that means that you could know that they are approved through Pinterest for use which is really really great so if we come back up basically you can see that you can sign up directly in the top right mine says dashboard because I already have an account and I'm already logged.

To register and get $ 15 gift
Register from here you will get $ 15

in but this is where you can go to actually sign up or you can click the sign up with Pinterest button and it'll take you through the steps to actually using the app so with that being said let's actually go inside tailwind so I could show you tailwind tribe's now if once you go and tell when you'll see that there is a ton of different functionality in here so you can see.

that I'm still growing followers without having to do anything which is really cool and this just shows you a lot of different stats now I do have another video on using tailwind specifically so if you want to watch that video it's definitely on my channel I recommend that you check it out so basically for now though I'm jus

going to talk specifically about tail and tribe so let's go over to the tribes feature now.

What does it mean to be part of a tribe

just to give you an overview on what tribes. actually is basically what tribes is is people that are in the same niche. that have similar content or share similar content to their Pinterest. accounts and basically what they are doing is they are posting things inside this tribe and then other people who are in the same niche will share that content so if it's relevant quality content that your audience would like you will share it basically for some.

something from the tribe from someone else and then in turn someone from that tribe will now share that content with your audience so that means that your now it's kind of like sharing for sharing but it's really high quality because it's only targeted people and you choose which content pieces you think will actually help your audience so it actually really benefits you because you.

gonna be sharing quality stuff from other people with your audience which they're really gonna like and at the same time they're gonna be helping you by sharing your stuff with their audience which is going to boost everything all around and help you get more traffic so what you do is you come.

Get More Pinterest Traffic With Tailwind Tribes

in and you can go to your tribes this is actually after you're already in a tribe so for now we can go to find a tribe to start and that's that's where you'd actually start if you weren't in any tribes yet so. can see that there's the fine described and you can see that there are tribes in tons of different areas lifestyle food and drink education travel done do-it-yourself and crafts health and fitness marketing kids and parenting women's fashion home decor family.

holiday events so you have tons of different things in here that you can use to actually drive traffic now they have they have more down here that are less popular but these are other areas that you could check out even dogs for example like I'm in the dog niche so you can see that there are different ones related to dogs in here they're smaller but if we go back to the main area there should be a pets wife think hold on.

let's go back to fine tribe okay so family kids parenting so there actually isn't a pets 1 per se oh there is pets down here as well so you I would be looking in the dogs and pets so you can see this dog one does have 264 members which is really really cool so I would basically now say I would like to join one of these some of them are open like for example this one is open and you can see the activity level here in AK Euler.
it says activity reflects how actively

How To Use Tailwind Tribes to Get Pinterest Traffic for Free

members of this tribe submit and share each other's content so that means how engaged it is so some tribes are not going to be as good as others this is a small tribe of 30 but you can see that it has pretty good activity so I actually have the ability to join this one right now if I wanted to so that's really cool now some of them you need to request to join meaning that you.

actually have to apply so that's another thing you could do I would start with some of the higher quality free ones so for example if we go back to find a tribe and we choose a more lucrative niche so I'll try let's look at like marketing we'll go to marketing and have a lot of tribes in here so let's do blogging blogging is a fairly hot topic so look at this one Pinterest friends has 36 76 members and you gets available.

to join now and it has pretty good activity so that's one that you can do another one is bloggers killing it on Pinterest which you can also join right now and what happens is once you're inside it'll show up under your tribes which is over here and once you're over here and you see that it's in your tribes basically you can go down and actually.

look at what's what's available to pin so I could come down here and I could actually now share this stuff to my one of my board so I could choose a board that I want to share this to now if you don't know anything about Pinterest boards I recommend you check out some of Pinterest where I talk about how to use boards on Pinterest but just a quick refresher a board is something that you will create.

on your Pinterest profile for example I can make a board about recipes and pin

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