Why You Need a Favicon_Why Use a Favicon on Your Website

Why You Need a Favicon

Why Use a Favicon on Your Website !

Here are some solid benefits of having a favicon for your blog :-
Branding  :- Your readers will relate your favicon with your blog helping your blog to be identified easily amongst the millions of others. Thus your blog comes out as a brand to your readers. In fact, you would have seen that every big brand in today’s world has a favicon or a logo attached to it.

Bookmarks :- The favicon of your blog appears in the address bar and in the bookmarks of your site. Infact when your visitors will submit or bookmark your posts to different social bookmarking sites, it will have the favicon attached to it.

Easy to Grab :- Right now you must be having multiple tabs opened in your browser. But you will easily grab the tab for this blog since I have a favicon for this blog. So you need not strain your eyes in searching for which particular tab to open.

And in the end, the most important benefit of favicon is that it is really easy to create. If you have a design or a logo in mind, then you will be having a favicon for your website in next five minutes. Just follow the below steps.
Create an image of the design or logo which you want to use as a favicon for your blog. You can use paint, photoshop or other similar tools for this purpose. Save the image which you create.

Visit the Favicon Generator and upload your image and click on the “Generate Favicon ” button.

Download and save the generated favicon.ico to your computer.

Upload the favicon.ico to your public html directory via FTP of your blog and you are done.

Every successful blog today has a favicon attached with it. Thus if you too want to be a successful blogger and make money online like  professional, you must create one for your blog too.

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