Felicity Hoffman was sentenced to two weeks in prison and fined $ 30,000 for a college admission scandal

BOSTON - A federal judge sentenced Felicity Hoffman to 14 days in prison in a nationwide university admission scandal, giving prosecutors a decisive victory as they seek to jail other fathers accused in the historic case.

Hoffman also received one year of probation, 250 hours of community service and a fine of $ 30,000.

The 56-year-old actress entered the federal courtroom in Boston while holding her husband, William H. Messi, who is not charged in the scandal. Hoffman is the first father accused of sentencing him.

Prosecutors recommended that Hoffman spend one month in prison, while her lawyers said she should spend a year on probation.

She is due to submit a self-report to the prison office facility, which has yet to be determined on October 25.

Hoffman, 56, learned her fate on Friday and issued a statement shortly thereafter, accepting the judge's decision.

"I accept the court's decision today without reservation," it said in the statement. "I have always been willing to accept any punishment imposed by Judge Tilwani. I have violated the law. I have pleaded guilty and pleaded guilty to this crime. There are no justifications or justifications for my actions. Period.

“I would like to apologize again to my daughter, husband, family and the educational community for my actions. I want to apologize in particular to students who work hard every day to go to university, and to their parents who make good sacrifices that support their children.”

Actress Felicity Hoffman arrives in the federal courtroom with her husband William H. Messi, before being sentenced in connection with the nationwide college fraud scheme in Boston, Massachusetts, September 13, 2019.
"I have learned a lot over the past six months about my flaws as a person," she said. “My goal now is to spend the sentence given to me by the court. I look forward to doing community service hours and making a positive impact on my community. And to serve as a better model for my daughters and family and to continue to contribute my time and energy wherever I need. I now hope that my family, friends and community will forgive me for my actions. ”

She also directed actress Laurie Lovelin - known as Aunt Becky on the sitcom "Full House" - and her husband, fashion designer Mosimo Giannoli, who are fighting on charges they paid the singer $ 500,000 for their two daughters, Olivia Gade and Isabella, in the USC as appointees for the university crew team, though From the fact that they never took part in the sport.

Hoffman pleaded guilty earlier this year to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and fraud in an honest postal service and admitted that she paid the singer $ 15,000 to falsify her daughter's SAT result.

"I accept my full guilt, with deep regret and shame for what I have done. I accept full responsibility for my actions and I will accept the consequences of those acts," Hoffman said as she pleaded guilty in court. On May 13th.

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