The fact that she was told that she was deliberately trying to draw sexual attention

The pool judge ruled that Brickin Willis, 17, was revealing a lot about her butt after winning the 100m freestyle at a school competition.

Willis was reportedly “deeply saddened” when she was told she was disqualified because she was out of the pool.

Media in Anchorage, Alaska, United States, claim that the referee said that the girl's swimsuit "was so far away that I could see the butt of the cheek touching the cheek."

 He thought so, and now his decision to cancel the qualification of a black athlete "to expose too many buttocks" was canceled because of popular anger

Last Friday, Brickin Willis won four competitions in a swimming meeting, although her impressive offer was later ruled out by referee Jill Blackstone, who cited a modest clause. Blackstone basically accused the 17-year-old girl of changing her swimsuit to show her back end. Willis, Pierce, is one of the few colored students on the swimming team at Dimond High School.

But swimming coach Lauren Langford said: "We have its own term - it is called Wedge, and finger occurs.

"It's uncomfortable. Nobody wanders this way on purpose."

Officials are now accused of racism and sexual discrimination, because Willis is the only girl of mixed race - and her only swimmer was left out.

Despite the apology, Brecken's mother, Mijan Koch, confirms that her daughter was wearing the same swimsuit as every other team member to compete and still feels bad about the way her child is treated.

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