A full moon in September, also known as "harvesting the moon", will be visible to many Americans on Friday 13th.

The next full moon is scheduled to appear on the most ominous date in the calendar this month.
Friday 13th. The history associated with bad luck, haunted houses and a farce film series at the summer camp in the 1980s will get the full moon for the first time in years.

A full moon in September, also known as "harvesting the moon", will be visible to many Americans on Friday 13th.

Tonight a rare occurrence will take place in the UK sky: Harvest Moon appears on Friday the 13th.

Harvest Moon itself is not very rare - it happens every year and it is only the name given to the full moon that occurs at this time of year. But tonight's "harvest of the moon" is called "micron" because its size in the sky is about 14% smaller than the average full moon.

It's like reversing a super moon.

Maine Farmers astronomer Joe Rau said the low volume was due to the moon's position when it peaked.

He told Express: "In addition to this madness," Full Moon "madness, this next moon is almost completely synchronized with the apogee - that point in its orbit that puts it at the greatest distance from Earth: 252,100 miles.

'Remember last February, when the moon coincided with rock bottom, the closest point to Earth? The earliest moon was more than 30,000 miles, and accordingly it was described as "Supermon".

What's more, having a full moon showing on the 13th Friday night is also very rare. The last time it happened was in 2000 and will not happen again until 2049.

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