The richest people in the world without university degrees Do you have to have a college degree? The answer after this report will be: No, you can, without ever entering the school!

The richest people in the world without university degrees
Do you have to have a college degree? The answer after this report will be: No, you can, without ever entering the school!

Many of the world's richest people have never had university degrees

They are the billionaires of the technological sector who share one recipe.

“I never let school interfere in my education,” Mark Twain said.

They tell us in childhood that the road to success looks like this: study diligently, attend university, work a lot, get married, live a respectable life and work until you retire to enjoy the fruits of your career.

You may have heard these words too: people without higher education earn less and cannot get a good position in their lives

Yes, they say like this.

But even though the value of higher education has soared, students' debts have increased considerably and there are many who believe that higher education is essential. Based on this logic, our debts are increasing, and the total debt to American students for student loans now stands at more than $ 1 trillion.

But it is necessary to study at the university because you will not succeed in your life without a university degree.

We present but the list of people with one adjective should have had difficulties in their lives: they all dropped out of college.

Everyone on this list has managed to earn not millions but billions while working in the technology sector. Is it possible to achieve more than this if they have a university degree? Today it is very difficult to answer this question.

Everyone on this list has managed to earn not millions but billions while working in the technology sector. Is it possible to achieve more than this if they have a university degree? Today it is very difficult to answer this question
Important evacuation

This article does not encourage you to stop school
Telling you that I am pursuing your dream is important had consequences or challenges

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