Effective Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts

Effective Ways to Promote Your Blog Posts

In my last post, I discussed about some easy ways to find ideas for your upcoming blog posts. I hope by now you must have published a post or two on your blog.
As you know that competition among bloggers is soaring high. Hence only publishing posts to your blog will not make you popular on the internet. Every blog succeeds due to its audience. So when you have written your blog posts, you also need to promote them as to attract visitors and audience to them.

Today I will share with you some easy and free techniques to generate a lot of traffic to your blog posts. Here we go.

Use Social Media

Social media is a really powerful tool to promote your blog posts. You can use Twitter, Facebook, Stumbleupon, Digg, Google + and many more social networking sites to promote your blog posts. If you have a community around you on these sites, then promoting your blog posts on these sites can bring in a lot of traffic. Twitter is highly used by bloggers to promote their blog content.

Use Internal Linking
Link your posts internally to your other related blog posts. This results in increased traffic to more and more posts on your blog. Internal linking also helps in the SEO and link building process.

Use Signature In Your E-mails
 You might be sending a lot of emails daily but the chance is that you are ignoring the power of email networking. Attach a signature having a link to your blog or your latest posts with every email you send. This can be a real big source of traffic generation.

Give Freebies to Your Visitors

You can giveaway freebies like an ebook collection of your blog posts to every one who visits your blogs or subscribes to your blog through email. This helps in bringing a lot of visitors back to your blog again and again. Further, an ebook collection of your blog posts helps in bringing traffic ultimately back to your blog.

Keep Writing:- This might not seem as a promotion technique but in itself it is the biggest and a really important one. People do not like to visit blogs which are rarely updated or are updated after really long intervals. Adding posts daily works as a promotion for your upcoming posts.
These methods are absolutely free to practice and you must try them for some amazing results. This post was part of blogging tips to help you make money online from your blog. 

I will soon come back with more effective tips for you tomorrow. Till then you can tell me how do you promote your blog posts?

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