Grow Your Email List in 5 Simple Ways

Grow Your Email List in 5 Simple Ways

You must have read my earlier post on using email networking as a tool to make your blog more successful. Today I am going to talk about building email lists and building them even bigger to capture as many emails and leads as possible.

Lets take a look at 5 most powerful 

techniques to grow your mailing list successfully

Website Traffic 
This is the easiest way to capture emails . You can use visitors and traffic to your website or blog by making them subscribe to your mailing list. You can offer email subscriptions of your blog’s posts. Generally people like to get everything delivered in their inbox since it saves a lot of time. Hence if you have good content on your blog, you can easily add people to your email list.

Landing Page
You can create a squeeze page or a landing page where you can easily collect emails of visitors. You must have seen various sites using opt-in forms where you have to enter your email to get access to something. This strategy can really boost your subscriber count.

Freebies and Contests
You can always offer a freebie like an e-book which is of interest to your visitors in return of their emails. Also, hosting contests on your blog and giving prizes like an e-book or free advertising can bring in more leads.


Give out newsletters through a signup form on your website. Your newsletters are sometimes further forwarded for recommendation by your subscribers. Hence, always make sure that you mention the subscribing process  in your newsletter too.

Emails :- Every e-mail which you send should have the option to subscribe to your blog updates in the signature. Emails are one of the most viral form of marketing and communication, so you must make use of this tool to grow your email list.

Besides these techniques, you can hire people or affiliates to bring in more leads and emails and pay them in return. You can use Aweber or some other good autoresponder system to handle this complete process. Once you have a fully grown email list having thousands of subscribers, you would be able to make decent income using this list. So start building your email list today.

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