Reasons Why You Might Fail in Blogging

Reasons Why You Might Fail in Blogging

In the Blogging Mistakes , I put some lime light on five big mistakes which you might be committing which can lead you to a failure with your blog, I am going to share with you some other big mistakes which bloggers often do in their blogging career. Do not forget to read my quick solutions and advice which can save you big trouble.

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Going Without Images :- Ever wondered why blogs use images within their content? Images give a glimpse of your content your readers and are often used to catch their eyes. Sometimes, a piece of great content might go unnoticed from your readers just because it did not catch their eyes. Using images in your blog’s posts can solve this problem to a great extent. So do not go just with the text.

Using a Lot of Categories :- I often see blogs having tens of categories in their navigational area. It is completely useless to have tons of categories on your blog. It only wastes the precious space on your blog and can even take away pagerank from your homepage. 

My advice related to the use of categories would be:Keep only 3-4  major categories on your blog which are unique and highly related to your blog content and niche. It  is extremely important for SEO. Also, do not keep all the posts under all categories. Make sure that you classify your posts under appropriate and most suitable categories only.

Why do bloggers fail

Comments Disabled or Too Much Filtering :- Do you have comments disabled on your blog? If yes, then you are giving a big reason to your readers and visitors to turn away from your blog. Comments are a big place and tool to engage your visitors to your blog. Always make sure that you have them enabled.

My suggestion would be : Do not use too much filtering for spam comments. Just use a check box which will save you from bot-comments. Rest will be from the visitors which have come to your blog to comment on your content. It would be really good if you remove moderation from comments. An instantly approved comment is a big boost to the visitors.

No Guest Posting :- If you are just limiting yourself to write on your own blog only, then probably you will never succeed. It is important to write at every possible place on the internet for your blog to succeed. Guest Posting today has emerged as one of the most successful tool to create quality traffic and quality backlinks to your blog. So why not use this opportunity.

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Not Writing Regularly :- If your blog is not updated regularly with fresh, unique and informative content, then probably it will never grow beyond a limit. One key thing to remember in this issue is to write at least one post of at least 300 words daily. I am not ashamed to admit that currently I am suffering from this problem but will be certainly looking to cure it as soon as possible.
These are some of the big mistakes which often all of us commit at some point of time in blogging. So it is better to stay away from them as they eat up your hard work and time. Do let me know your response on this.

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