How to Use Email Networking Where can I post my blogs for free

How to Use Email Networking

Email Networking is still one of the best ways to communicate with people like bloggers , professionals and friends . Though social media tools like Facebook and Twitter are on rise , email networking still has its shine and is widely used for many formal and informal purposes.

Let us talk about blogging since it is what we are concerned with. E-mails find a huge popularity among bloggers as they are used for a lot of purposes like 

  1. Communicating with other bloggers.
  2. Subscription purposes.
  3. Communicating with professionals.
  4. For sending guest posts.
  5. Email newsletters are hugely popular nowadays.
  6. For informal purposes like questions ,tips and advice.

Here are a few tips on how to use this marketing 

and networking tool to gain

maximum benefits 
Be short and right on target if promoting something to your followers. People generally ignore lengthy emails and texts. Be precise and brief.

Do not spam emails
Do not send more than one email/day until extremely required.Divide your content into paragraphs as it is easier to read and understand and catches reader’s eyes.Always proofread your mail. Grammatical errors in emails can be frustrating to read sometimes.

Do not include more than two affiliate links per email.Or you will land in spam.
Always add a signature at the end. This gives your email a more professional look.
You can always insert media like audio , video or other attachments.

Email networking is not only about sending emails. You need to communicate in a proper manner. Never forget to reply to the emails that you receive. I check my email account twice or thrice in a day. Always be gentle in your emails.Posts Related to - How to Use Email Networking

Use Posterous to promote your blog and build backlinks

Posterous is an excellent way to promote your blog and spread your content online . What posterous does is that is autopost your posts and content on a network of blogs and social networking platforms like Facebook , Twitter etc. All you need to do is to create a bookmarklet , write content and post it. It will automatically be posted on all the blogs and platforms you choose. This saves a lot if time and build backlinks back to your site. You can link your blogs with your posterous spaces . Whatever you post in your space gets posted in your blogs too.

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